East Midlands Labrador Rescue

Dear Malamute Matters,

Thank you so much for your donation to the East Midlands Labrador rescue from the sales of Team Edward merchandise, we really cannot thank you enough.

I as ambassador for the rescue am so very grateful for the help you have given me in raising over £180.00 for Mr Harry Cook, MBE who founded the rescue in 1981 to give us all the profits from the sales of the merchandise is truly wonderful.

As we are a small charity we can’t afford registered charity status, so rely heavily on fundraising. Your idea of the Team Edward merchandise is such a great help to us in the work that we do in re homing Labradors, for this we can’t thank you enough.

Malamute Matters is a fabulous group of people, committed to helping smaller charities, may your hard work and dedication to the rescues long continue.

Wendy Hopewell

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